Anybody remember this one?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"… at least until Uncle Sam sandblasts that message off of Lady Liberty!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mayor Plans to Destroy State Capital Within One Term

Dateline: Harrisburg, PA - A person either follows politics in this current climate if they are a glutton for punishment or like a good laugh. I'm a little of both.  They aren't just destroying America on the Hill, they do it at the state level as well! Meet Harrisburg PA's jewel in the crown:  Mayor Linda D. Thompson... super genius. This is what happens due to voter apathy kids. You can keep up with her gaffes when you need punishment or a laugh through Roxbury News. She makes Mitt Romney look like Winston Churchill. Check out her aides faces in this video!  William Penn is rolling in his grave.

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