Anybody remember this one?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"… at least until Uncle Sam sandblasts that message off of Lady Liberty!

Monday, March 25, 2013

This is What "Going Rogue" Looks Like These Days

Does this look like a body that eats Chick-Fil-A?  No, but that body hates gays with all her freedom ain't free lovin' being!  Sarah Palin must be forming her own "Eat More Chikin" party as nobody gives a Caribou's infected anal gland what she has to say anymore.  She either exercises non-stop or she does actually eat that crap.   In that case, if she likes compressed chicken like substance with pickles,  here's to processed foods and possibly missing out on...what's the youngest one's name? Piper!  Here's to not being around to see Piper's illegitimate children!!

Calm down people.  I don't wish death on anyone.  But I can wish obscurity for this harpy.  It's all she's ever deserved.  Too bad it's not Trick-Fil-A, as she'd already have her next grand baby's name picked out all ye hockey moms.  You betcha!

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