Anybody remember this one?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"… at least until Uncle Sam sandblasts that message off of Lady Liberty!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Looking for a Super Star Congressperson for Thursday

Dear Superstar Progressive Representative:

I apologize for the short notice and I don’t know if you will be in town this Thursday or not. 

I am writing to you on behalf of U.S. Army Lt. Dan Choi regarding the rally at his court martial trial for violating DADT.  The tardiness of the note is due to my recently finding out that progressive organizations (some of whom filled their coffers with donations due to Lt. Choi’s plight) seem to have kicked him the curb when he needs them most. And the media seems to be ignoring the trial as well.

I am looking for a Congressional “superstar” if at all possible to take time out of their busy schedule to show up at the rally.  I know it’s a very huge favor to ask, but Lt. Choi served his tour of duty and I am very proud of his service.

Lt. Choi has tried to settle out of court with the prosecuting attorney numerous times to no avail.  If this case is the prosecutor’s brass ring to grab to make a name for herself, personally, if I were she, I would have chosen another case.  She’s making herself come off like a modern day Joseph McCarthy with her witch-hunt.  And more and more lately, it feels to me like this once proud nation is moving in reverse. 

If any support could be brought to the plight of Lt. Choi this Thursday, I would feel like we are moving forward again in this great nation.

Here is a web link with all of the information:

Best regards,

Laurie B.

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