Anybody remember this one?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"… at least until Uncle Sam sandblasts that message off of Lady Liberty!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

And Here They Go and Ruin the Free Bradley Manning Rally for the Faithful By Lying About the Attendance

This will never get posted on Manning's fundraising page, hence my screenshot. I can hazard a guess as to who coached the press release writer. No, it wasn't Glenn Beck, but someone just as weepy.  And it gets worse. Even the Guardian, my usual trusted publication, is reporting attendance of 1,000 at Ft. Meade, at the LA Times, 2,000 with NO sources. Folks, If I can jump through the crowd like a jackrabbit taking my gonzo photography, it's got to be only 300, maybe 400. Plus, I know the number of times I have to say "excuse me." Unless you produce and aerial view, keep you ink holes shut.

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